Martes, Mayo 29, 2012


I am very fascinated in our world that is one of the reason why I took up BS Biology in College as my degree. The world we live in are full of mysteries and for me one mystery that I kept on asking How is the metamorphosis growth of animals especially of insects. Metamorphosis is defined as a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or hatching, involving a conspicuous and relatively abrupt change in the animal's body structure through cell growth and differentiation (  Many insects uses this kind of growth and one famous insect is the butterfly. We all know that butterflies start as caterpillars then they stay in a cocoon, pupa or chrysalis and finally into a fully grown butterfly that has colorful wings and graceful flight. What is interesting or very mysterious to me is how a caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly inside its chrysalis? According to references, differentiation or development of immature cells happen inside the chrysalis. When a caterpillar is fully grown, it sheds a "skin" and attaches itself to a twig or leaf and there the pupal stage of the butterfly may begin. As I reflect on the butterfly's growth, I placed myself in the butterfly's position. All of us must grow, it is one of the characteristics of an organism. Yes, we grow. We get taller, our voice changes or grows especially for boys, etc. But above all this growth, there is another kind of growth that an organism especially a human develops and that is the growth in personality and attitude. I confess that I am not fully developed when it comes to personality and attitude even at my age. I'm 20 years old but I act as if I'm 12 years old especially when I'm very happy. In the end, some people get annoyed at me because of how the way I act. "Makulit" in Tagalog. I act like a child and for me it's very hard to change or act maturely. I'm very immature that's why I'm very sensitive and I cannot accept my mistakes or even realities in life. I am not a fully grown butterfly even though I'm about to celebrate my 21st birthday this coming August. I lack the maturity of interacting with the people around me, I lack the maturity of accepting my own faults and the realities of life. 

God has given me people to grow maturely, who will help me grow inside my chrysalis. I can say I am a fully grown caterpillar and about to enter my pupal stage of development. I must shed my own habits or my own life. I must shed the immaturity of my life and move on to the next phase of my development as an organism. I have encountered people who restrains me on doing my "makulit" habits like talking loudly and moving too much. I have to thank them for they have helped me realize my wrong doings and how I can have a good relationship with others. I must act as an adult butterfly now, I'm not getting younger as the days past by. I'm ready to enter a new chapter in my life and I pray that God may strengthen me to enter that chapter. i know He will never abandon me, He uses instruments to guide me. I must learn to be humble to accept my own faults (mea culpa) and learn to be a mature individual. To those whom I've done wrong or I have offended, I ask for forgiveness and for those who has and are helping me to grow. I thank you very much. It's time for this caterpillar to enter another stage of his metamorphosis so that I can reveal the beauty inside me. God bless you all =D

Miyerkules, Mayo 16, 2012

The Mission (A reflection for Ascencsion Sunday Mk. 16:15-20)

I enjoy listening to the soundtrack of "The Mission", a film about the mission of the Jesuits in Paraguay during the reign of Spain. I just love listening to it, it has a mixture of emotions: joy, sorrow and triumph. I haven't watched the full movie but I saw some significant clips from the film and one scene that really moved me was when invaders attacked the mission area of the Jesuits they made a procession from their small chapel bearing the Blessed Sacrament by Fr. Gabriel and the natives pray as they process along the route. Some natives were even shot by the bullets of the invaders and finally hitting Fr. Gabriel and died. One native picked-up the monstrance and led the other natives to continue their procession. In my mind I said "Mission Accomplished".

This Sunday, we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ into heaven 40 days after His resurrection. The first reading and the Gospel are parallel for this Sunday because both proclaims the glorious ascension of Christ. Jesus entrusted to the apostles the mission to spread the Gospel and make disciples unto the ends of the Earth. As present disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, the mission has been passed to us by the grace of our baptism.

As I ponder on the movie "The Mission", I ask myself "is it really difficult to become a missionary?" First, you will be very far from your family or to your homeland in case you are assigned in a mission abroad. Second, learning to cope or adjust to the culture of your mission territory. Last, you should be willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of the salvation of the souls of those you administer the mission. Going back to the Gospel, I can see what the Lord meant in Mark 16:17-18. In my reflection, the demons referred by Jesus are the "demons" of the old ways of our life or the sin we have committed, we personally cast out that "demon" when we repent our sins and invoke the name of Jesus to forgive and have mercy on us. Speaking in every tongue is another gift, speaking in other tongues means that we are called to communicate with each other and bring the good news to others. Missionaries abroad have learned to speak the native tongue of their mission area but all of us understand one language and that is the language of love and faith, which is not only spoken but also seen. We are not harmed by poison because we believe in our God. It's not the literal poison or toxin that would harm us but I am referring to the poison of our problems, burdens and trials that we meet as we journey this life. We are not harmed by those "poisons" because we have an antidote inside of us that will protect us from those poisons and that antidote is God who dwells in  us. Lastly, a believer heals the sick when he/she lays a hand to a sick brethren and pray to God for the recovery of the brethren. But we also heal our brethren who is sick spiritually and emotionally by embracing them at times when they feel alone, holding each other's hands and praying for each other for a spiritual or emotional healing.

We are called to be Christian missionaries, some are called for an extraordinary mission like the characters in "The Mission" or missionaries abroad and here in our own country. But all of us have a common mission to proclaim God's love and to love one another as true brothers and sisters in Christ. God bless us all.

(here is the mission soundtrack by Ennio Morricone from youtube)