Sabado, Oktubre 22, 2011


This is the theme of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary of La Naval de Manila for this year. The Feast day was highlighted by many activities like praying the Rosary daily during the days of the Novena, a Marian exhibit featuring different images of our Lady and the history of the Holy Rosary. All of this activities jived in the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary La Naval de Manila (Sto. Domingo Church) in Quezon City. The highlight of this memorable feast is the grand procession of Our Lady who has been escorted by the Dominican Saints of the Holy Rosary.

"Giyera nga napigilan, ulan pa kaya" These are the words Kuya Jeff Reyes (San Carlos Seminarian) used to describe the miracle that happened on the Feast day of Our Lady (last October 9, 2011). It was raining so hard when we arrived in Sto. Domingo Church, I didn't bring an umbrella and I only had my bag and gala with me, the gala was my protection from the rain because it has a hood. I toured Ate Azon, the Cifra Sisters (Aloy and Princess) inside the church and introduced them to the Dominican Saints. By around 1:30PM I met Fray Oswald, OSA and Fray Cyril, OSA inside the corridors of the convent where the carrozas are staying. I also toured them, unfortunately they weren't allowed to attend the procession because of their kitchen duties in their seminary. I joined the friars in the line in front of Our Lady as per of Rev. Fr. Nilo Lardizabal, OP a very good friend of mine. I would say this is the most memorable La Naval for me because I had the opportunity to touch the mantle of Our Lady and kiss it. I feel very blessed by her, I felt like I was in ecstacy when I touched her, I was paralyzed as I gaze in her beauty and the beauty of the child she's carrying. I was deeply moved, very much moved.

                                            Before the start of the Procession

                      During the Procession: Fr. Guiseppe "Jepoy" Arsciwals, OP (Center)
                                             Rector and Prior of Sto. Domingo Church

                                                     VIVA LA VIRGEN!!!!!!!

              Our Lady of La Naval de Manila as she is removed from her carroza

                                         Our Lady as she ascends her throne

Senator Vicente "Tito" Sotto III leads the devotees in the solemn consecration to the Lady of the Rosary, I really loved that prayer because of its significant words, words of love for a Mother ready to embrace her children and answer their prayers. Senator Sotto was chosen to lead the consecration because he is known for being an Anti-RH Bill Legislature because we all know that the RH Bill will cause immorality and to top it all, abortion. This is the reason why the title of this blog is the theme for this year's feast, because of the threat to life once the RH Bill has been made to a law.

After the procession, we proceeded to the Church's Convent and had dinner there along with the other religious and guest. The Religious communities who joined the procession are the brothers from the following Orders: Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans), Order of Friars Minor Conventuals (Franciscan Conventuals), Order of St. Augustine (Augustinians of the Vicariate of the Orient), the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), Congregation of the Most Holy Sacrament (SSS Brothers), Order of St. Benedict (Benedictines), Diocesan Seminarians from San Carlos Seminary and UST Central Seminary. We had fellowship with them by conversing with each other. The whole Dominican community was also present from the Pre-Novices, Novices and the Student Brothers. It's so nice to see the brothers from different congregations conversing, laughing, and sharing thoughts with each other. It is really indeed nice to see brothers come together for Christ. I was really inspired by them, they boosted my desire to become a religious.

                          Picture taking in Bahay Dominiko after the Celebration.

Photos courtesy of Rev. Fr. Nilo A. Lardizabal, OP

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